Firmowe samochody firmy OCS

Dedicated Domestic Transportation

Delivery is on your terms.
Do you want to be in full control of your consignment, letter, package or pallet? Do you want to know the courier’s every move? We’ll provide you with such delivery service all around the country under the Dedicated Transportation system using a specially dedicated vehicle. What do we offer?

Firmowe samochody OCSGuaranteed delivery of consignment, letter, package or pallet within a delivery time specified by the client at all times of day and night.
The dedicated transportation is not a part of the standard logistics solutions of the OCS network, but instead the delivery goes directly to the destination. Optionally ­– additional insurance of the dedicated delivery. Tenders ­– we know how important they are as the future of a company or a client often depends on whether the tender documents will be delivered on time. The Dedicated Transport is perfect for that and our team of experts and cars with GPS keep an eye on the delivery for tender purposes.

An individual approach

Full control of delivery

Optional additional insurance