niebieskie ciągniki siodłowe zaparkowane w szeregu

International Road Courrier Shipments

Road transport is the fastest growing branch of services. This is not surprising, since road transport not only provides a series of supplies for companies, but what is most important, it is accelerating and with the development, increasingly cheaper. The company Raffo which is representative of OCS Poland offers road transport services to businesses.
We specialize in road transport in dry ice and controlled temperature. Road transport in dry ice can be carried out in special packaging or in our refrigerated trucks that meet all standards.

Kurier OCS przygotowujący przesyłkiRoad transport services are dedicated to pharmaceutical companies and the medical industry. Fast road transport provides an uninterrupted chain of supply. With the right logistics we provide combined transport: air and road transport. In case of road transport in controlled temperaturę we guarantee a constant temperature for perishable goods and in case of combined transport, exchange of cooling material , gel-packs, dry ice. The below table includes the prices of road transport parcels. Individual road shipments are calculated as standard however price may change with the increase or reduction in the prices of road transport.
We invite you to contact us by phone or via email.